Meet Russell Tuff
Yah, suure you betcha. I’m originally from Minnesota. I’ve devoted most of my life to generating content that will capture and retain an audience that will be profitable for marketing.
This is my personal page, so don’t be shocked at the looser descriptions about me. You’ll find personal stuff here that you may have no interest in, and is primarily for friends and family. If you will be offended, click on the Social-Impact; Tuff News, Media Consulting links on the left side bar to keep it strictly business.
What Makes Me Tick
I’ve made my living getting to the heart of a community, finding what makes it tick, and sharing the news of that community or niche to create a greater sense of community. I specialize in what’s called “Content Marketing.”
Content Marketing is the key to growing, building and retaining an audience, whether you are in the media business, or the shoe business. We are all in the media business. My hope is to help keep community journalism alive in every facet of our lives.
If we utilize the strength, news, and the qualities that make up our communities and help them to grow and prosper, we can make this world a better place. We need to find the niche we want to play and work in, and build up that niche by bringing back the personality to our businesses, our homes, and our community.
If each one of us can help make each part of our community a profitable and vital part of our lives, our community will flourish. The community is the backbone of our freedoms as Americans. I hope to bring the power of that interaction to your business, utilizing the tools of content marketing to create a demand for your information.
My Background
I’ve successfully owned and sold newspapers, had a short career in radio, worked for the big boys in launching a variety of news products, as well as launched many new community ventures to enhance local journalism. Let us help you continue in that tradition, meeting technology head on and capturing its usefulness in a profitable way.
Award winning Publisher Russell Tuff led his teams to several first place finishes in the Minnesota and Florida Press Association Better Newspaper Contest, including First Place in the most coveted General Excellence category in the largest newspaper division.
Russell began his newspaper career in 1965, sweeping floors and cleaning toilets in the offices of his parents’ weekly paper in Blackduck, Minnesota. He was later promoted to hot lead melter on the Linotype machine and eventually ran several presses including a Heidelberg, AB Dick Offset and a Goss press. Seeing his potential, his parents added sales calls to his duties at the age of 16. After college, he joined Tuff Publications, where he served as sales manager in Blue Earth, Minnesota.
In 1989, Tuff Publications moved to Collier County, where Russell served as publisher of the Everglades Echo, the Golden Gate Gazette, Golf Naples Times, and several other Florida publications. Russell sold his business in 2004, prior to taking his position with the Naples Media Group in 2005. Tuff was hired as publisher to launch the Collier Citizen, a few months later launched a Spanish language weekly, took over operations of the Naples Journal, Pelican Bay Journal, and North Naples Journal when they were purchased in 2006. His duties and title changed to Executive Editor for Community/Niche publications where he oversaw the content of the Collier Citizen, Vista Semanal, Naples Sun Times, Marco Eagle, Marco Magazine, The Banner, Naples Journal, North Naples Journal, Pelican Bay Journal, and BB Journal.
In 2009 Tuff went full-time into Tuff News, Media Consultants that continues and launched Social-Impact in 2011, which is a Public Relations firm that specializes in web development by utilizing various internet technologies to assist businesses and non-profit organizations getting their message out for exposure of their goods, deeds and services.